
Interested in more information on how to make a budget, how to save money as a student, or how to manage your debt? Access these free financial literacy resources to help you on your way to a healthy financial future. Keep checking back as this list of resources will be updated regularly.


The first step in managing your money is knowing what’s coming in (and from where) and where it’s going out – and making sure the “in” exceeds the “out” so you have enough for your needs, and can save and invest for your future.

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Debt Management

Dealing with debt can be overwhelming but there are things you can do to help you manage your debt and even beat it.

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You hear people talking about credit but what really is it, and why does it matter to you? Find out by downloading these two resources which will tell you how to order and understand your credit report.

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Moving Out

There’s a lot of things to worry about when you branch out onto your own. Whether you’re moving out of your parents’ house or leaving your roommates to live on your own, it’s good to know what to look for in a rental property.

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We know, money is tight. But every dollar you save now will be one less dollar you have to save to pay back your student debt after you graduate.

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